Small Batch Honeycomb
Honeycomb is the absolute bees knees. Honey does not come in a rawer or more delicate form than this, and is epitome of "hive to table".
This beautiful and absolutely delicious chunk of honeycomb is not only the tastiest, but also one of the biggest blocks you'll find. Most fine honeycombs you see are around 12oz, but this one is a whopping 16oz+!
You can consume this versatile snack in many ways. Simply carve out a spoonful and enjoy it, spread it on your biscuits or lay it out on a party tray with fruits and cheeses to be the ultimate host.
And best of all, you CAN eat the beeswax, its 100% edible!
As with the rest of our honey, we can assure you that this is sourced sustainability from Indiana beekeepers.
Note: If ordering more than 12 bottles or internationally, please contact us so we can arrange proper shipping